onsdag 2 november 2016


Taken today between 16.00 and 16.45 in Millhouses.
I had another go this afternoon at a 45. Felt like going for a walk but the cold and approaching darkness didn't exactly do much for my motivation. Bringing my camera and doing this exercise helped! It became a struggle of chasing the last of the light. Not many obvious objects to photograph but I quite like the result. The grey and brown of an early autumn evening. And little did I know that Japanese Knotweed was something to worry about!

7 kommentarer:

  1. Interesting photos! I like them very much!

  2. Thanks for agreeing to share this set of 45 images on the Forty Five site. Once again I like your images and your short commentary. It is interesting palette of colours and clearly reflects something of Autumn and it also feels like the images were taken on a walk! The Japanese Knotweed sign is curiously interesting. My favourite is the lower left trees. It captures the less celebrated moments of Autumn. We often see resplendent colours and all the usual autumnal photographs but we all know the bits of autumn you have captured here. The sun is no longer bright in the sky, the air is still, there is a quiet and an emptiness, the colours which in sunlight glow are now less bright and sometimes when we see the evening like this we know winter is on it's way...! Perhaps a reminder in ye olden days that we should all be preparing for the cold and stocking our larders like squirrels :-)
    I will add this to the Forty Five site in a short while.
    Best wishes, Mr C :-)

  3. Mer Café: glad you liked them! I have never seen a warning sign for Japanese Knotweed before. Yes, it definitely felt like winter was coming yesterday. To get those golden beautiful photos of autumn you actually have to work quite hard! Catch a sunny day and find trees that have bright leaves instead of brown and dull ones, which most trees actually have. These photos very much felt like November really is.

  4. Yes your images definitely have a real autumn feel rather than a chocolate box woodland scene. Having said that, we had fine weather earlier in the day yesterday and I set about capturing some of the wonderful colours that can be seen on a good day when the sun is shining.
    I enjoyed picking out the fine details that autumn can offer. Even a wasp features in my images. I think it was on it's last legs and had probably taken it's last flight! After I took the photo I put it near some spilled drink but it was too exhausted to even drink. It was a nice little reminder that along with the colour of autumn leaves that everything in nature has to respond to the changing seasons.
    I posted my photos on Postcard Cafe earlier today and if you fancy taking a look they are here...
    Best wishes
    Mr Cafe

  5. PS. It is early days on the Forty Five site but your post from today has attracted the most "likes" so far :-)

  6. Mr Cafe: that's nice, thank you :) I shall definitely have a look at your autumn photos!
