lördag 23 juli 2011

Önskerubrik 14

My husband wants to know "which were the three happiest days, or weeks of your life", adding 'be honest!'.

The first time my husband visited Sweden, was a very happy day. We were both so excited and newly in love. I was waiting with my dad at Skavsta airport, this tiny little place in the middle of nowhere, which would be my husband's first impression of Sweden: Trees, trees, more trees, and every now and again, a lake. It was the first time my father would meet him, and he kept making jokes, asking about every other man walking through arrivals - is it him? Is it him? especially if they were rastafaris or bald men over 60. When he finally arrived we went to the home I grew up in and had dinner with my parents for the first time, before going to my small student flat north of Stockholm. I remember looking at my then to be husband sitting in the wide open window watching the lights of the city, thinking that I was very, very happy.

A whole week of happiness was last November when I and my husband left rainy England and all the stress at work for a holiday in Lanzarote. Life was so easy, we had time to talk, watch movies, just lay in the sun and do absolutely nothing. One of the best days was when we played ping pong for ages and were both particularly bad losers. Or every evening on the porch watching the sunset with a glass of wine, wrapped in a blanket.

Lastly, it would be too obvious to say my wedding day, although that was a very happy day, so instead I think of an older memory: me and my childhood friend Karin having one of our numerous board game nights as teenagers, with good food, loads of Diet Coke and sweets, and all the time in the world. I really miss those days!

7 kommentarer:

  1. Nice:-) and not easy to describe and answer that headline.

  2. Hoppas nu att maken blir nöjd :)

  3. Åh vad roligt det var att läsa om när din make kom till Sverige och din pappa soom skulle skämta till det! Låter lite som min pappa...hahaha, tänk OM din make hade varit en 60 år gammal rastafari, DET hade varit lite kul :) haha

  4. Haha, ja då hade minsann skämten fastnat i halsgropen :)

  5. It was lovely and doesn't feel that long ago!

  6. Ja tänk vad allt var komplicerat på ett så okomplicerat sätt i jämförelse med nu. Det var tider det! Med pommes, kyckling, bea och Cluedo.

  7. Ja, det är verkligen en tid man inte kan få tillbaka! Synd att man inte fattade då hur enkelt livet var på många sätt och uppskattade det mer :)
