lördag 25 oktober 2008


Jag kan lagga till en grej i listan nedan : Svenskar gillar att analysera sej sjalva!

Eftersom jag inte har mycket battre for mej (jag o maken har spelat spelet Mr & Mrs och kommit fram till att det ar ett fanigt spel som kan bli kul om man ar lite pa lyset och spelar med fler manniskor och dessutom har en god kannedom om engelsk TV, kungafamiljen och sportlegender som anses vara en del av allmanbildningen) har jag googlat saker som diverse nationaliteter anser om oss vikingar. Har ar ett par lankar:


"So you think you are organised? Not a chance. Swedes are more organised than you can ever hope to be. They are numerically organised. Go into shop a and you'll be expected to take a queue ticket. There are two numbers on the ticket. One is your number in the queue and the other is how many minutes you may have to wait from the time you took your ticket. This is of course essential information for people who feel the need to do something useful during those 17 minutes. Swedes who have time to spare immediately feel the need to fill it. They rush out of the shop and into another and take yet another queue ticket. Number 89 and a 14-minute wait. Just enough time to make it to the post office. Swedes have a word 'hinna' which means to have enough time to do something. The Swedish concept of personal failure can be expressed with the words 'jag hann inte' - I didn't have enough time to do it."

Stammer otackt, eller hur?


En tjej tror att vi ater valar???

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